Japan Talk #164

Podcast button

Opening Monologue

  • New theme song and opening
  • Thanks to Steven at Discovery Sound
  • Monetizing a website
  • Designers and hosts and the horrors of dealing with them
  • Bozos and idiots
  • Pligg and other social bookmarking systems
  • Users going rogue
  • Podcasting and YouTube more fun
  • Building is fun, maintaining is a drag
  • Spammers – the only ones with energy left on the web
  • Meet us in Kobe on December 12!

Japan Coastguard video leak follow up

Man streams suicide live on the Internet

Cop forgets loaded gun in restaurant toilet

Female rice lovers more likely to develop diabetes

J-reporter held in Myanmar thanked by political prisoners

Middle Song
Ue Wo Muite Arukou (Sukiyaki)Junco & Cheep

Man loses bag of contraband, arrested when he claims it

Tsukiji to ban visitors during year end tuna auctions

City of Phoenix looking for people to teach English in Himeji, Japan

Obama passes on Nobel Peace winner anti-nuke meet in Hiroshima

Seibu Railways starts maid train service

Ending Song
Sumeba Miyako (There’s No Place Like HomeJunco & Cheep

Links of Interest

Contact: japantalker@gmail.com


  1. Andrew says:

    Hi Ed, Andrew from Bad Communication here. Great show, I just had a few comments:

    Spammers don’t post their spam personally, the use “botnets,” or automated software on computers that they’ve hijacked control of from unsuspecting internet users.

    Also, if rice has as much glucose as dishes full of refined sugar, and vegetables aren’t that much better, than what are we supposed to eat to stay healthy? A strict diet of meat? Cardboard? :-P

    Look forward to seeing you in Kobe,


    • Edward says:

      Thanks for the comments, Andrew.

      Concerning your remark about my food comments, your are right, I kind of made it sound like vegetables are no good, didn’t I? Actually, what I was trying (not very well) to say was that eating low glycemic carbs (veggies) is not a very good way to balance high glycemic carbs (rice, bread, sugar, noodles, etc.) The trick is to stay away from high glycemic carbs as much as possible and get as much of your carbs as possible from low glycemic sources.

      That said, I fully realize that there are many different ways of looking diet and nutrition, and I do not in any way claim an expertise in the field.

      • On the other hand, I firmly embrace the notion that all of my excesses can be countered by equally extreme counters. Smoke a pack of cigarettes a day but stay away from fried foods and sweets. Stay awake for 48 hours by consuming large quantities of caffeine and spend the following 18 hours asleep.

        It all balances out in the end, right?

  2. Awesome podcast!!! Thanks a million.

  3. I just realized you remind of Casey Kasem.

  4. Edward says:


    Casy Kasem counting them down….

    Thanks much to you, Steven, for all the kind assistance and support over on YouTube.

  5. vin says:

    I’m really excited to hear you are back doing the podcast! Japundit was one of my favorites. I’m looking forward to the future episodes.

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