Opening Music
Osaka Boys – by Davina Robinson (Courtesy of Music Alley)
Opening Monologue
- News summary
- Cherry blossom time in Fukuoka
- Spring is around the corner
- Translation work booming
- Japan earthquake news slipping off the front page
- Questions still remain about Fukushima atomic power plant
- South Korean schools close over J-radiation fears
- Looking back to look ahead
- Reporters venture into the Fukushima exclusion zone
- Toyota to suspend North American output for five days
Middle Song
Oh No – by Kaiser Cartel
- Maldives to send 600,000 cans of tuna to Japan
- Tohoku job losses could exceed 81,000
- JAL asks employees to take unpaid leave
- J-convenience store sales rise in quake aftermath
- Too much contamination? Just change the rules!
- Japan lifts restrictions on produce from the north
- Belt Geiger counter
- U.S. apparel brand pulls Japan t-shirts after Korean protests
- Japan quake manmade?
Ending Song
Keeping You For Mine – by Renee Wahl
Links Of Interest
- HAARP High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
- Are We in a HAARP “Earthquake War”?
- Japan Talk on Facebook
- JAPUNDIT on Facebook
- Edward In Japan
- JAPUNDIT YouTube Channel
- Japan Talk in the iTunes Store