Archive for 29th January 2011

29 Jan 2011

Japan Talk #184

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Opening Monologue

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Bird few outbreak in Japan

Miyazaki bird flu epidemic spreading

South Korean soccer player’s monkey face aimed at Japan?

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Apple expected to expand iPhone to more carriers in Asia

Japan downgraded by S&P

Signs from Japanese economy hopeful, but…

Japan goes to space, but Japanese don’t

“You Only Live Twice” volcano in Japan lives again

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Japanese to be numbered from 2010

Middle Song
Now That You’re MineLeslie DiNicola

Courts questioning vote validity

Japan seeking to curb the power of the farm vote

Tokyo High Court backs forcing teacher to stand and sing national anthem

Hentai-don school girl slipper-and-rice dish

Lindsay Hawker killer writes book about killing and his days on the lam

Self-administered cosmetic surgery

J-movie industry sets record in 2010

Gold vending machine

BBC apologizes for atomic bomb victim joke

Kiss my butt!

Secrets of Japanese students hoping to pass school entrance exams

Ending Song
Guitars And Shady LadiesDavid Silva

Links of Interest
